Nikon D3100 Manual - As similar to all other DSLR and Camera manufacturing companies NIKON also has its own reputation and record of representing quality dslrs. As other DSLRS and cameras, Nikon D3100 which is one of the famous model among of best Nikon DSLR modes has its own unique specifications and features. A stylish looking Nikon d3100 built around a 14.2 megapixel CMOS sensor that not only enables live view but it also supports a feature of capturing high definition resolution videos with very ease. The body of Nikon D3100 gets a slight refresh from a basic design that essentially dates back four years to the D40, gaining an extra button to the left of the screen, a drive mode switch at the base of the mode dial, a sprung lever to engage live view and a direct record movie button. Revisions have also been made to the feature-teaching, hand-holding 'Guide Mode', and an additional autofocus mode that's designed to allow better focusing in live view and autofocus